Transformations through Cognition

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― Richard Buckminster Fuller

The following models define the framework of research used in GaudiLabs to make change.

Open Innovation

Innovation results from an open and trustfull exchange. Thoughts are free and of their recombination occurs creative and new. Shared knowledge empowers people and allows everyone to deploy his full potential and implement aspirations into reality. Socially accepted ideas are good ideas.

– The projects documented on this site are creations of open innovation.
– GaudiLabs is a place to meet, share ideas openly and work on innovation.
– Lecture on Open Innovation at Lucerne University
– Interdisciplinary work in colaboration with institutions and companies

Definition of Open Innovation

Democratization of science and industry

Open ScienceBasic democratic systems are open, sustainable and on the long run efficient. A cognitive-bringing science is based on open source basic research. Even corporate structures are viable only thanks to the development of democratic structures. The broad-based understanding and participation makes technologies and enterprise socially acceptable.

– Open scientific research on technology and culture
– Democratisation of knowlede in biology and life science thorugh the network of
– Residencies and coaching in enterprise
– Developpement of open source generic lab equipement

Value networks with small batch production

Desctop ProductionThe strength of the distributed prevails. A large number of small producers guarantees a stable, socially acceptable and meaningful supply of all goods.The diversity and creativity of goods and services is high. The cooperation and exchange in the network allows for a high level of complexity. Best use of resource.

– Small batch production of open source hardware products
– Research and developpment of knowledge and equipement for distributed production
– Coaching in open culture and open technology

Merger of virtual and physical world

Computer technology has revolutionized the creation and communication of cultural good. Sophisticated algorithms, new process and information structures changed the world. With new digital manufacturing technology, ubiquitous computing and internet of things the virtual and the physical world merge. The personal computer area is over, pixels on computer screens disappeared and bits reappear in the physical world.

– 3D printing and laser cutting and digital knitting of creative objects
– Collaboration in the global FabLab and hacker space network
– Hand’s On Workshops combining digital and physical skills

From reductionistic to holistic to unified

To be able to work with open, non-linear and complex systems like societies or biology in general a holistic approach that takes into account self-organization, self similarity, dynamic equilibrium and spontaneously evolving structures is chosen over a primarily reductionistic view.

– Fractals and chaotic dynamics
– Dissipative structures
– Homeostasis

Publications and presentations

Peer reviewed:

Wolf, Patricia, Maximilian Joseph Bernhart, Conceptualizing open distributed innovation: A framework for
the collaboration of private companies with grassroots-driven
open communities

Wolf, Patricia & Gaudenz, Urs (2016). Industrie 4.0? Offene Fabriken! trendupdate – für Zukunftsmacher, 2016, online.

Wolf, Patricia & Gaudenz, Urs (2015). DIY-Potenziale: Blinder Fleck für Unternehmen. trendupdate – für Zukunftsmacher, 2015

Wolf, Patricia; Troxler, Peter; Kocher, Pierre-Yves; Harboe, Julie & Gaudenz, Urs (2014). Sharing is sparing: Open knowledge sharing in FabLabs. Journal of Peer Production, 3(5), online.

Mirela Alistar, Urs Gaudenz, OpenDrop: An Integrated Do-It-Yourself Platform for Personal Use of Biochips

Maria Castello et all, Real and Virtual Biological Science Living Laboratory for Science Teachers’ formation: promoting global scientific literacy and critical thinking for sustainable development

Jialin Den et all, Dancing Delicacies: Designing Computational Food for Dynamic Dining Trajectories: Contemporary human-food interaction design based on OpenDrop digital Microfluidics

 Book chapter / Commentary on the law / Lexicon articles:

Gaudenz, Urs & Wolf, Patricia (2015). Lesen verboten. In Zukunftslabor CreaLab (Hrsg.), Zukunftsgeschichten (S. 15-20). Norderstedt: Books on Demand.

Working Papers:

Gaudenz, Urs; Kummler, Barbara & Ossevoort, Stijn (2017). OPEN FACTORY – Agil entlang der Wertschöpfungskette: PRAKTIKEN UND ERFOLGSFAKTOREN BEI DER INTEGRATION VON KREATIV- UND PRODUKTIONSPROZESSEN (Bericht). Kompetenzzentrum Aerospace Biomedical Science and Technology (CC ABST),


Wolf, Patricia; Gaudenz, Urs & Giger, Andrea (2014). 2nd CreaLab SummerSchool: LIVEtoWORK WORKtoLIVE (Arbeitsbericht IBR: CreaLab Working Papers No. 1 No. 003/2014). Zukunftslabor CreaLab, Lucerne.

Academic Presentations:

Trojok, Rüdiger; Wolf, Patricia; Gaudenz, Urs & Klotz, Ute (17.06.2019). Co-determination of employees from DIY communities (Mitbestimmung von Mitarbeitenden aus DIY Communities). PhD Summer School // The Linux of drugs, TU München.


IS Open Knowledge Sharing in FabLab

Mitbestimmung von Mitarbeitenden aus DIY-Communities

IS COST Dynamics of Virtual Work

Open Factory, Praktiken und Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Integration von Kreativ- und Produktionsprozessen

IS Eine Toolbox für das Management transdisziplinärer (anwendungsorientierter) Projekte

IS FabLab Luzern

Art and Science Collaborations

Artistic Work Portfolio, Urs Gaudenz (Selection)

One comment

  1. Aris says:
