Dipl. Ing. Urs Gaudenz, Switzerland – 1971
Urs Gaudenz is microengineer and founder of GaudiLabs LLC. He worked for Swiss high tech companies in the field of micro sensor technology (sensirion.com) and brushless motor control. With his solid background in electronics, mechanics and software he is working in a concurrent style between the disciplines. With several years of experience as a consultant in innovation management and as lecturer for product innovation at the Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts, Urs is now developing business and research at GaudiLabs. His aim is to evolve towards more balanced collaborative entities in social action, business and technology.
hackteria | open source biological art
Hackteria is a collection of Open Source Biological Art Projects instigated in February 2009 by Andy Gracie (UK), Marc Dusseiller (CH) and Yashas Shetty (IN). The aim of the project is to develop a rich web resource for people interested in or developing projects that involve DIY bioart, open source software and electronic experimentation. As a community platform, hackteria is encouraging the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to combine their expertise, write critical and theoretical reflections, share simple instructions to work with lifescience technologies and cooperate on the organization of workshops, festival and meetings. hackteria.org
SGMK promotes the work in electrical, mechanical engineering, computer science and related fields. This as an artistic expression of the human spirit, which is characterized primarily not by its usefulness, but the totality of the particular. The Society aims to promote the mechatronic art by putting research, eductation, exchange and networking, and raising and maintaining of the quality of mechatronic art at the center. www.mechatronicart.ch
«Creative Living Lab» – University Lucern
The interdisciplinary research project Creative Living Lab (CreaLab) of the Lucerne University explores, creates and promotes conditions, processes and methods for creating new, innovation and change. The focus of the activities of CreaLab therefore are creating spaces that support creative thinking and working. hslu.ch
New perspectives on the present and the future of your organization and methods for everyday innovation? Interspin an association creating space and collaboration with and beyond the University of Lucern. A highly inter- and transdisciplinary tram of experts develops and applies new methods such as 4D Dialogue, Guerilla Urbanism, Unconferencing and InnoRooms. interspin.ch
Regenerative Energy Communities
Regenerative Energy Communities is a project that explores how current energy paradigms can be challenged by integrating principles of agroecology and regenerative agriculture. The initiative focuses on enhancing the health and resilience of local ecosystems. Funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, the project engages the public through creative, community-inspired experiments with alternative approaches to energy provision. regenerative-energy-communities.org
An open laboratory and hackspace in the greater Lausanne area. A big space in Renens with lots of lab equipment and with a growing community. Working with local and international network to Demystify, Inspire and Innovate, using DIY biology. hackuarium.com
FabLab Lucern
Dream it, make it, share it. The FabLab Lucern is a fabrication laboratory equipped with an array of flexible computer controlled tools with the aim to make “almost anything”. Run by the two fabmangers Roman and Martina who are always up for a chat or some good advice. Take a look! luzern.fablab.ch
Kulturbüro – Cultural Office Lucern
They rock the sub culture of Lucern and provide everyone with sewing machines.
Labor Luzern – Jurassic Lab Lucern
Jack of all trades Felix Bänteli running a lab for art and tinkering. laborluzern.org
Neubad Luzern – Co-Working in a swimming pool
Is it for now or is it for ever? An active group of busines people, designers and autonomous artist are about to transform a former indoor pool into a creative co-working space. neubad.org