HP Digital Microfluidics Software Platform and Language

Hewlett-Packard has released an open-source Digital Microfluidics Software Platform and Digital Microfluidics Language (DML) on GitHub; see here. The software was developed on the OpenDrop platform and includes a board model for it.

The platform includes a graphical user interface that enables interactive manipulation of droplets, as well as a protocol language (DML) for describing experiments and protocols to be run on a digital microfluidics board.

And this is how such a protocol could look like:

// Protocol parameters
reagent A = reagent “A”;
reagent B = reagent “B”;
well A_well = well #3;
well B_well = well #4;
well waste_well = well #5;
define run_protocol {
A_well : require(1 drop of A);
B_well : require(1 drop of B);
waste_well’s reagent = waste;

The project is still under development and could maybe later be integrated into the OpenDrop Online Control Platform.