Wild OpenDrop – “biology and more”

Luis Ruben Soenksen,  PhD student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is about to develop  a wild OpenDrop V2.1. Luis is working on innovation & Entrepreneurship activities at the Research Laboratory of Electronics & MIT in affiliation with the Madrid-MIT M+Visión Biomedical Imaging Consortium. He is planing to use a new smart responsive surfaces switching coating on the OpenDrop and do some very interesting biology such as  multi-organ on chip interaction experiments (in collaboration with the Griffith and Trumper labs).

Ideas for improvement:
1) We should develop an optically clear observation window, it could be done with a translucent section in between 2 electrodes… this would be awesome for imaging
2) The design each board should be the same size as a cell culture well plate, so that we could use standard cell culture lids, to prevent evaporation or protect for sterility purposes
3) The membrane holder (the carrier) should not block the Side LEDs (it seems you don’t get those nice specular reflections when you have the carrier).
4) The board should allow for AC and DC HV
5) We should have a digital potentiometer to allow changing the EWOD voltage programmatically as opposed to mechanically